All of our hosting plan comes with a Joomla 1-click installer, to help you get your Joomla site up and running quickly. All of our servers are configured and optimized to host Joomla websites.
Why waste money and efforts? Here is a Joomla web hosting plan for you, configured in accordance with all the conditions for a Joomla 2.5 installation (Joomla 1.5 installation is also available). No need to go and search for the script online and bother yourself with its installation! With our Joomla hosting plan you will get the script installed for you and ready to use on your website.
The Joomla plan offers you anything your content-rich and functional website might need to operate trouble-free round-the-clock. Being familiar with the finest demands and sensitivity of the global Joomla users, we have made our best to ensure that the plan's set-up is fully compatible with the Joomla's working environment, and guarantee that your website will be up-and-running minimum 99.9% of the subscription period of one year.
100% Joomla Compatible Hosting
With Windgineering, you can leverage the open-source power of the Joomla platform to create totally customized site. Here's some of the benefit:
Joomla! is an 'open' framework covered under a GNU/GPL (General Public License) and is therefore freely available for anyone to use, modify and implement. The client is therefore not locked into using a proprietary CMS under a restricted license basis or locked into one particular development/implementation company's services. Ultimately if you're not happy with our knowledge and skills regarding Joomla!, or (god-forbid) we cease to exist, a simple Google search will return the results of other companies and/or individuals around the world offering similar services;
Related to the open source vs. proprietary software debate, and another benefit in using Joomla!, is that open source software can prevent code obsolescence by enabling code visibility to not one but literally thousands of developers. Again, if one individual/company ceases to exist and/or offer their services, the code is available for others to pick up;
Joomla! allows in-house management of all website content, depending of course on the capabilities of the people using it. By definition a content management system is designed to separate front-end presentation of content (i.e. design/template) from the content itself (text, images, etc.), which is more than likely stored in a database and 'served' as requested. When content is served to the browser, the template takes care of where the content presents and how it is formatted;
Joomla! is an internationally developed application, developed by a core group of developers around the world, but with many thousands of developers contributing to the growing movement by submitting their own web services components and plug-ins to the Joomla! Extensions Directory. Joomla! can be considered as a web services 'operating system' or platform, into which you can plug-in smaller programmes over time as your requirements grow; so scalability is an important consideration for those people considering a content management system for their organisation. It is also important to understand that there is, in our opinion, no way a proprietary-developed CMS can compete with the sheer volume of development being undertaken for the Joomla! CMS by 3rd party developers like ourselves around the world;
Joomla! can therefore, in most cases, prevent clients from having to fund the development of their requirements by enabling them to select from thousands of components/plug-ins available on the Joomla! Extensions Directory or, at the very least, provide them with software as a starting point that can be built upon or extended for their own use as required;
Joomla! is secure. Joomla! started out much like the Linux operating system, which is another open-source project, and has grown to become the most installed, secure and implemented web server on the planet! Joomla!'s core team of developers are as skilled as any other developers and, as a general rule, the open source development community tends to seek recognition from their ability to find and fix bugs and security threats rather than gain notoriety from being able to hack them;
Joomla! is therefore comparatively cost effective, secure and simple to manage!